It appears that I have within my grasp a place to hold my thoughts in a specific and intriuging manner. Personal documents on the provided applications given or obtained by us would provide too dangerous for such frivolous and nerd-passionate ramblings. Why, it would only be classified as either borderline-semi-planned-treason against Cog Nation which violates some part of § 1058 of the CCC (Cog Code of Conduct) most likely. I'd be thrown into Lawbot Headquarters for failure to do my expected duties as a "Full-Engineered-Bossbot", which isn't even true in the slightest. I'm not "full" anything. I'm a mixture of parts from all types of cogs. I'm as what the Toons call a "Mutt". Unless you're one of the few researchers or writers specially designed for such a task the higher ups don't want any other cog doing such work. So, if they ever found such writings of mine I would probably get charged for that. If not already had my memory wiped and parts torn apart for use on a cog better suited to their tastes. That's § 358 of the CCC.

Anyway, I figured it would be of best interest both in my nerd-passionate (I need a much better terminology for this- tho, I can't quite think of one. I only use this word since my old Yesmen acquaintance would always call me that.) and my future, no matter how hopeless, path to put my writings within the Toon's side of the net. I'll be signing off now. I have some ideas in mind but I guess I'll figure it out as I go on what to put here. I'm wondering if I still have access to my locked files that that Yesmen... wait. Perhaps they need a codename too. Roger. They always wanted to be called that. Along with a bunch of other silly names with "Roger" in it. Anyway, Roger kept a lot of my old files locked away behind a ton of security locks. They were probably one of the best coders I knew, and that wasn't even their job. Heh, I miss Roger. One of the few cogs who was on the Brighter Side. I know where their old place is, I might be able to get their old PC. I have to sign off now though, I have work tomorrow and... sigh. I need at least some recharge to get some of my workload done. Lest I get into anymore trouble.

- CYNTHIA ??? ???/???/??? 201X

Hello. Today has been quite a rough day. I wasn't able to work much due to... recharging being an issue once more. It's been extra stressful ever since the approach of that nearby town called... "Toontown" I think it was? It's opening has been causing a huge storm up in the community of my apartment area. Also my whole work building. Especially my coworkers. Even at the cafe I go to it's been nonstop talk about Toontown, Toontown, Toontown... You'd think they'd want to convert to all the "jokes and frivolous" behavior with how obsessed they are with the Toons. Which in reality... only a very very small percentage of cogs out there actually wanna convert over. Heh... yeah I know Roger, I'm looking in the goddamn mirror. Don't get me wrong, I'm so DAMN PUMPED that this new town is opening! I think this is the most hope I've had since... I was with Roger I think? Though, hearing the shit that most cogs spew about the new town is kind of... no, really sickening. But anyway, I've been doing as much research as I can. The toons are so... CUTE. Like REALLY CUTE. And all their silly activities and goofy buildings and the way they talk and their adorable ears and... Shit, my light is blinking again. It hurts to laugh but... I love doing it. I wish I could be like the Toons and laugh all day long and just have fun. I wish I was a Toon.

There's a site that the official Toon Troopers released today in preparation for the big opening. I don't know if they'll keep up these pages but I'd love to perhaps keep a record of them here. And maybe analyze and talk about them. See the secrets behind what is written oooOOOOOooooo... okay, it is literally just a page about joke submissions there probably isn't shit. But perhaps in the future, possibly. Or I'll just over analyze a joke submission post because that's what my nerd-passionate self does. Hehe. .